Some recent projects I've worked on.
Building monitoring and GenAI experiences for a market intelligence tool.
Improving digital tools for patients and clinicians.
Tools for members to take advantage of WeWork spaces.
A platform to analyze the effects of pharmaceuticals.
Learning how to navigate on a smaller screen.
Onboarding at your own pace, built into Paper by FiftyThree.
Apple's suite of productivity apps for OS X, iOS, and the web.
A Mac app to fight digital distraction.
An iOS-based walking tour of the WTC site in Manhattan.
A discussion website for designers hosted by the Philip Johnson Glass House.
Mobile apps for iOS.
A mobile guide for visiting Stone Barns' farm in upstate NY.
Prototyping applications for Apple's iPad, including YouTube and the media player framework.
An iPhone app designed to help people discover athletic facilities in their neighborhoods.
An app for discovering and learning about art in museums.
Mac apps and features.
Features and design work for iChat instant messaging and text chat.
Development and design of video features for iChat & Photo Booth.
Additions to iChat's AppleScript API to let users respond to chat events.
Graphic and communication design.
A coin-based currency for Chelsea Market with a design inspired by Nabisco cookie and cracker shapes.
Helping you find your way out of the subway.
Physical objects with digital personalities.
A mystical physical computing device that tells users' fortunes via Twitter.
Keeping track of who washes their hands.
Tools for artists and craftspeople.
A web application for converting digital images into knitting patterns.
A drawing application that makes it very simple to create drawings based on symmetry.
A drawing tool with elements of randomness and animation.
A tool for making spirograph-like shapes.